Radiation Monitoring
- Radiation Detectors
- Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Neutron monitoring systems
- Survey meters for detection of X-ray and gamma radiation
- Direct Reading and Electronic Dosimeters
- Portable Rate Meter and Dose Rate Meters
- Hand-held Multi-Channel Analyzers and Identi-finders
- Contamination Monitors
- Area and Portal Monitors
- Hand Foot/Clothing Monitor to detect beta and gamma radiation
- Liquid Scintillation Counters
- Marinelli beakers for Spectrometry
- ALPS, SODIGAM and GAMMA-W software for spectrometry
Radon Monitoring
- Radon/Thoron monitors for gas and progeny
- Multi-sensors for radon in soil gas
- Spark Counter for automatic track counting on LR film
- LR-115, CN-85 and Koda-alpha
- Set-up for radon/thoron measurements
- Radon Dosimeters
- Mylar Films
- Calibration Sources for Radon/Thoron
Air Sampling
- High and Low volume Air Samplers (mains / battery operated)
- Radioiodine sampling systems
- Air flow calibrators and digital flow meters
- Annular Kinetic Impactor
- Air pollution control equipment
Analytical Instruments
- Electrochemical instruments (pH, ORP, Conductivity, TDS, Dissolved Oxygen, Water hardness, Acid-Alkali concentration)
- Spectrometers (EDXRF, WDXRF, ICP MS, AFS, AAS, OES)
- Gas and liquid chromatographs
- Marinelli beakers for spectrometry
- Portable and non-portable heavy metal analyzers
Radioactive Sources
Sealed radionuclide sources for standardization and testing:
- X-Ray radiation sources
- Gamma radiation sources
- Beta radiation sources
- Photon sources
- Wide area reference sources
- Check sources
- Alpha spectrometry sources
- Geometry reference sources
- Reference solutions
- Mossbauer sources
Enriched Isotopes
- Stable Isotope Targets
- Stable isotopes in nutritional studies (Ca, Fe, Zn)
- Depleted zinc isotopes
- High purity Oxygen-18 Water
- Enriched medical isotopes
Nuclear Medicine
- Dose calibrators
- Mobile and Stationary Lead Shields for personal radiation
- Waste containers for radioactive waste
- Lead Brick Enclosures
- Well Counter Systems
- Phantoms
Meteorology and Renewables
- Wind direction and speed sensors
- Precipitation rain gauge
- Ultrasonic Anemometer (Bluesonic)
- Air flow meters and Air pressure sensors
- Hygrograph, Thermograph and Barograph
- Psychrometer and Barometer
- Sunshine recorder, Pyranometer, Radiometer
- Agriculture and classical meteorology instruments